U.S. Dept. of Labor in Philadelphia
The U.S. Department of Labor is currently seeking students for our fall public affairs internship program. This is open to high-performing undergraduate juniors and seniors and graduate students in Public Relations, Communication, and/or Journalism programs. The internship will likely begin on September 6 (or September 13) and will run through the first week in December. Though it is unpaid, a transit subsidy is provided for interns who use SEPTA or PATCO. We are conducting phone interviews this week and next, and plan to make final decisions in the next two weeks. If a student is interested, please encourage them to immediately contact me. About the internship The fall internship will primarily entail writing multiple "Working for You" worker success story blogs (see those here https://blog.dol.gov/tag/dol-working-for-you). This includes setting up and conducting interviews with workers across the region, obtaining an appropriate photo from the interviewee that will ...